We have a vision for North Pasadena, and that’s not just owning a building but completely making a mark on this community. Will you partner with us and be willing to GIVE a GIFT that will help us accomplish HUGE SUCCESS of transforming this community forever! 

What we are envisioning 

 ◦ WiFi Cafe – kids, local students who don’t have access to internet are able to use high speed internet to finish their homework, projects, resumes, college applications and help be off the streets. We also would host Fortnite tournaments, gaming events, community town hall meetings, create podcast type of environment.
◦ Have clothing items to give out to young kids who need to go to a job, college, or important meeting 
◦ Provide food Distribution
◦ Host events with Local Fathers connecting to children who have no male father figure 
◦ A safe place where anyone can come and be in a positive, life building environment